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Σφακιανακησ SS500/B100 #545


Teljes névΣφακιανακησ SS500/B100
(Σφακιανακησ) Büssing Hellas SS500/Σφακιανακησ SS500/B100
Gyári szám
1996МПАТП Минеральные Воды
Regisztárciós adatok
Beszerzés éve Selejtezés éve Rendszám
2006ЕВ 719 26
Jármű adatok
Beszerzés éve Selejtezés éve Jármű száma
1996545 / МПАТП Минеральные Воды


15 augusztus 2009 - Sfakianakis SS500/B100 at the territory of the local buspark, Mineral'niye Vody. The story of its appearment is dramatic: when the group of chechenian terrorists attacked the hospital in Budennovsk in 1995, the buses from all over the Stavropol region were taken - to bring additional federal forces and to evacuate peaceful citizen from the houses, close to the attacked hospital. Several buses were riddled with bullets, and two vehicles from МПАТП were totally destroyed by the terrorists weapons. To replace destroyed buses, next year the government brought two new Sfakianakises from Greece to Min-Vody. This bus is still alive, the second one was registered in the vehicle police department in 2007, but no one seen it - maybe, it was disassembled as a donor of the spare parts for this one. I haven't got any information about such buses in other Russian cities - maybe, only МПАТП got them.
Szerző: Mad_BOSS

Hozzászólások: 4



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