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Ikarus 280.92 #1502

Ikarus 280.92 #1502

Épült: 1987     Selejtezve: 2017
Szerző: mpelov bgRSS (0)
Feltöltve: 2015-05-24 19:25:51
Szélesség: 1200, Magasság: 700
File méret: 486.87kB
6 március 2015 - Sofia, Levski depot. After the delivery of the 50 new Skoda 27Tr, a lot of Ikarus 280 trolleybuses were decommissioned. Some of them were dismantled and cutted for scrap right after their last day in service. But others, 43 units to be precise, are stored in the former Levski depot where they are rusting for a year now. Until 2005 Levski was a functioning depot, now it is used as a repair base, where trolleybuses are sent for overhauls (the quality of which is tragical). Also, decommissioned trolleybuses are sent there for dismantling and cutting. The trolleybus transport company in Pernik was interested in buying some of the 43 withdrawn Ikarus trolleybuses, since their ZiU and DAC-Chavdar are in a desparate state of disrepair. Some weeks ago, however, trolleybuses in Pernik ceased to operate after CEZ electro cutted off the electricity in the network due to unpaid debts. Since the trolleybus transport company in Pernik is virtually in a state of bankruptcy, it seems that no one will buy the decommissioned units and 43 Ikarus trolleybuses in good condition will be cut for scrap. 35 Ikarus trolleybuses, 16 of which are modernised, are still in service on lines 1, 6, 7 and 9.
en gt


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